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Isfahan World Famous Persian Rug : 

Known for their unique design with Persian Slim and flower in the design, typically with central medallion, wool & silk material, some comes with animal in the design with various of color and typically more traditional design, pattern & color. Most famous design in Isfahan Persian Rug is Shah Abbasi flowers and the Dome of Lotfollah Mosque with the tile design known as Gonbad design. The rug is typically woven with very dense knot. KPSI range from 400 up to 1300. Isfahan has been producing some of the most expensive and detailed master pieces. Isfahan have some of the best rug producer in the world such as Seirafian, Haghighi, Hekmatnejad, Shahabpour, Mehdi Ei, Davari, Enteshari. Sizes range from 3x5 feet up 13x20 feet and even bigger pieces. Isfahan rug comes typically in Rectangle or Square, Runner. Some of the famous rug in Isfahan were designed by Master Arjang & Master Rostam Shiarazi

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Superfine Isfahan Tak Kheft 70 Raj Gold/Yellow & Black Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $6,900.00
Retail price: $9,900.00
You save: 30.00%
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Isfahan Superfine Tak Kheft Paisley Allover Black 3x5 Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $4,900.00
Retail price: $7,900.00
You save: 38.00%
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Isfahan Derakhti Tak Kheft 70 raj 2X3 Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $2,300.00
Retail price: $3,900.00
You save: 41.00%
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You pay: $4,900.00
Retail price: $7,900.00
You save: 38.00%
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Superfine Isfahan Tak Kheft Royal Blue DORRI Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $4,900.00
Retail price: $9,900.00
You save: 51.00%
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Antique 120 years old Isfahan Pure Wool Wool Persian Rug
You pay: $19,900.00
Retail price: $39,900.00
You save: 50.00%
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Red Isfahan Ghaffarian Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $4,200.00
Retail price: $5,900.00
You save: 29.00%
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Isfahan Unique Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $3,900.00
Retail price: $5,900.00
You save: 34.00%
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Fine isfahan Tak Kheft rare design Vegetable dye Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $4,900.00
Retail price: $6,900.00
You save: 29.00%
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Fine Isfahan Pardeh Silk Base Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $4,900.00
Retail price: $7,900.00
You save: 38.00%
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Isfahan Slimi with Central Medallion Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $3,500.00
Retail price: $7,900.00
You save: 56.00%
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Superfine 70 raj Isfahan Bigdeli Tak Kheft Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $7,900.00
Retail price: $12,900.00
You save: 39.00%
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Superfine Isfahan Silk Base Rare design Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $5,900.00
Retail price: $9,900.00
You save: 40.00%
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Isfahan Davari Superfine Silk Base Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $6,900.00
Retail price: $9,900.00
You save: 30.00%
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Grandmaster Bagher Seirafian 1800 kheft Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $39,900.00
Retail price: $59,900.00
You save: 33.00%
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Vintage Isfahan 80 Raj Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $14,900.00
Retail price: $24,900.00
You save: 40.00%
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Isfahan Dorri Persian Rug Light Earthy Color Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $4,500.00
Retail price: $5,900.00
You save: 24.00%
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Isfahan Slimi Design Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $4,500.00
Retail price: $5,900.00
You save: 24.00%
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Isfahan Slimi Design Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $4,500.00
Retail price: $5,900.00
You save: 24.00%
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Grand Master F Haghighi Isfahan Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $6,900.00
Retail price: $8,900.00
You save: 22.00%
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Isfahan Pardeh Silk Base Flower Vase Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $6,900.00
Retail price: $7,900.00
You save: 13.00%
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Grandmaster Isfahan by Hassan Dardashti Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $7,500.00
Retail price: $14,000.00
You save: 46.00%
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Isfahan 80 Raj Vinatge Vegetable Dye Color Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $5,900.00
Retail price: $9,900.00
You save: 40.00%
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Grandmaster Davari Black & Gold 85% Silk Wool Persian Rug
You pay: $4,200.00
Retail price: $6,200.00
You save: 32.00%
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Deri Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $2,900.00
Retail price: $4,800.00
You save: 40.00%
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Isfahan Tree of Life Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $3,900.00
Retail price: $4,500.00
You save: 13.00%
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Abdolrezanasr 2 Kaf Abrisham Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $8,900.00
Retail price: $10,900.00
You save: 18.00%
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Pardeh Mosaddegh Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $5,500.00
Retail price: $6,900.00
You save: 20.00%
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Rahbar Slimi Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $5,200.00
Retail price: $6,500.00
You save: 20.00%
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Pair Of Isfahan Rahbar master Piece Silk Persian Rug
You pay: $79,900.00
Retail price: $99,900.00
You save: 20.00%
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